
Shew! It's been a while since I posted something crafty! I've been a little too interested in Illustration Friday, I know. But, oh well...I can't wait until "fall weather" kicks in, and I can get ahold of some pumpkins. Pumpkins aren't only good for carving; of course I'm sure you know that already. Anyways, I thought I'd put together a list of things I like to do with pumpkins.

1. Carving pumpkins: I'm not so great at carving pumpkins purely from my own talents. I once tried to carve an Ernie pumpkin (like on Sesame Street), and it came out looking like the Wal Mart smiley face. However, with the help of carving templates, I can carve much more beautifully. Learn to make your own pumpkin carving templates, or access pre-made templates.

2. Toast the seeds: That's a giveaway, surely. You've done that before. You can toast the seeds in a hot oven, after tossing them with salt and oil (I've used canola and olive, and they're both just fine). But have you tried sweet-sour pumpkin seeds? Sugar and spice pumpkin seeds? Spicy pumpkin seeds?

3. Make some soup: I love butternut squash soup. I like to eat it with ginger added, or with a tomato and cream cheese or ham and cheese sandwich. Technically, pumpkins are a type of squash, right? Use pumpkin flesh without the tough outer skin instead of squash in the butternut squash soup base recipe I posted a while ago.
4. Fragrance the house: Pumpkin pie is, hands down, my favorite dessert. Unfortunately, I can't eat it everyday. I can be quite a busy bee, and plus, I'm afraid that if I ate it too often, I'd begin to dislike it. But I wish the house could smell like a pumpkin pie everyday. In an old issue of Martha Stewart magazine, I read that if you gut a small cooking pumpkin (save the top/stem), rub a generous quantity of pumpkin pie spices (cinnamon and nutmeg are sufficient) into the moist side of the top/stem, cut a few holes into the pumpkin, and burn a tea light inside, the flame will heat up the spices and make the house smell goooooooood!

5. Plant those seeds: Throw the unloved/unused seeds into the lawn, and next year you won't need to purchase those pumpkins!

Although the list is short, it's a lot of things that can keep you busy during the fall season.

I've been cruising the internet lately, and have come across some really neat stuff. I finally got a new printer (it has been a year since I last had a fully functioning, color and black/white printer!), and I'm out to find free printables. Here's some really awesome stuff I found while reading this article.

Cornell Notetaking Paper-For university or high school students, or "forgetful Freddy's" out there.
PocketMod-The cheapest (free!), most handy printable and customizable daily organizer ever!

Incompetech Free Online Graph Paper- A plethora of graph paper printables.

Paper Wallets-Insert your photos and print up a wallet!

Printable Lens Hoods-For picture taking goodness.

Printable Rulers-Several types are available.

Lately, I've had the opportunity to converse via email with a really super nice fellow blogger. Her blog is the Fits and Starts Craft Blog, and she makes some really awesome sparkly felt donuts. Check them out here. She's planning on posting a tutorial, so keep checking in and make your own! If only all donuts had sparkly sprinkles.

1 comment:

Odri said...

Hey! I found your blog through craftster on the food blog thread. Thanks for all the tips about what to do with pumpkins. I'm going to carve mine soon and I don't want to just throw it away the day after Halloween. I'll try the soup and candle ideas. :)